Saturday, August 21, 2010

Jet Lag

Now I've traveled across multiple time zones before, when I went to Europe and Africa, so I thought I knew what jet lag was!!!  WRONG!  Boy, it really hit me this time!  Maybe it's because this is the farthest East I had ever come, (or maybe it's because I'm getting older?) or I don't know what, but this time it hit me hard!  

My body clock didn't know what time it was!

Apparently it really is harder to adjust going West to East, so it wasn't in my head!

However, Ramon had no jet lag at all!  None!  I think he was so happy to be here that he simply just somehow made himself adjust!  I don't know how and neither does he.  
I was very, very happy to be here too, but my jet lag was no joke
(Anyone else experience this?)

This was me during those early days:
   ...and the early nights:

I would look over at Ramon and he was like this:

Obviously, this made me want to tear my hair out!!!

However, I'm happy to report that the jet lag finally subsided, and now I'm back to "normal"
--and still so very happy to be here with Ramon working with the beautiful people we find here!


  1. The last time we went to Canada for a visit I had it bad too. We here are 5 hours ahead, so when we were over there, I was always up at 4 or 5 in the morning and could not sleep anymore. Some days I walked to our friends house for some Mate, and boy were they surprised to see me at 7 am. at their door! :)

  2. Jet lag is rough! I've had it before and know how hard it is to shake. Glad you are doing better.

  3. I remember flying to Germany and getting jet lag. It was easier on the return
