Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sneak Preview

I've been working on an Education post, but have been too busy to finish it, so I've decided to post a sneak preview in the meantime. 

Most children in Nepal walk to school,
 (Here Grandma is giving instructions!)
and classes generally run from 10:00 - 4:00.  There is a six day work/school week here, with Saturday being the day off.  (Yes, this means all Christians go to church on Saturday!)

One afternoon, while driving down narrow amazing streets to Swayambhunath, or the Monkey Temple as it's also called, which sits atop a hillside with fantastic views of the city (where, by the way, I took the picture in the heading of this blog)

we saw this:
 Do you see the two little ones walking home from school ALONE and holding hands???  (Enlarge)

    We couldn't wait to get closer!

 The little girl ran ahead when she saw Mom & Dad.

As the dad ushered them inside, their home we presumed,
we asked if we could take a few pictures of them.  He agreed.

Bless their precious hearts!!!  I'm so glad they get to go to school, because not all children do.
Stay tuned for more information.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, keep them coming, I love seeing it all!
