Saturday, December 4, 2010


Water is not something taken for granted here.  Change the word to "Clean Water" and you have even a more difficult concept.  Access to safe clean water (or sometimes any water) is not easy to come by.   Water shortages are difficult enough in the cities, but in remote areas people may have to walk quite some time to fetch water (and it probably won't be clean).

You will see water tanks on roofs, porches (see the blue one here), towers and lawns.
Look in front of the billboard:
Here are some of the water tanks here on our campus:
After I realized the significance of these water tanks, I thought they looked so beautiful!!!
(Isn't the sky beautiful these days?!)

Here is a tank by a temple.  The faucet there was locked for some reason.

When out and about one sees people using outdoor water faucets all the time.  Here we have laundry.
(Notice the outdoor faucets.)
It's cold now, and I don't see any water heaters.  Sometimes people will fill up containers and take them home, where I presume they heat the water (at least I hope so!)!
We always see people washing dishes outside too.
Someone forgot to turn this faucet off.
Here is a girl cooking in her outdoor kitchen.  It doesn't look as if she has a faucet, and you can see her water bottles for fetching water there in front.  (You can also see that the electricity wires go over her house and don't stop.  The lady watching her work is probably her mother-in-law.) 

We also see people brushing their teeth, washing their hair, and even bathing (kneeling down while a friend pours water over them and into their shirts while they hold their shirt out--called bucket showers by some). 

Even the water in our apartment is not clean.  First we must boil it.  We bought this nice big pot for the job.
We also put a drop of bleach in the clean water.  The red container is storage for the leftover boiled water that won't fit into this filter (in the pic below), where we put the boiled water.  THEN we can drink, cook, and brush our teeth!  (The fruit is soaking in bleached soapy water--another necessity.)
By the way, look where those oranges are from:  (they're really, really good too!)

Well, enjoy your water--and don't take it for granted!

Have a nice day!


  1. Your blog looks GREAT!!! You're such a natural! Those are great photos of the water situation... can't wait to sift through the rest of what you've been writing and get caught up. :)

  2. Most of us forget how fortunate we are to have good, safe drinking water right out of the tap.

    I love your pictures and getting to see everything through your eyes
