Sunday, May 18, 2014

Chandeswori Jatra

Hi!  Hope you're having a fun and blessed month of May.  May is the month of an interesting Hindu festival here in Banepa, called Chaneswori Jatra, so I'm going to repost about it in this post and do Part 2 of "Eating Our in Kathmandu" later.  I hope you don't mind that I'm reposting, but it's the same every year!  I didn't post about it last year, so it's time to show you again what happens.  The post I'm going to link to is from 2012, and it actually has a little video as well as links to the Chandeswori Jatra from 2011!   

Things to note--this May we thankfully have not had the road strikes, called bandhs, that are mentioned in those past posts.  This is very good news!  Also, in the May 21, 2011 post, I say that I didn't know what the flying flags are.  Now I know!  They are part of the "Buddha Purnima" celebrations that take place on the middle day of Chandeswori Jatra!  It's the birthday celebration for Buddha.

OK, if you missed these past posts, I hope you enjoy seeing what happens around here in May!  Here's the link from 2012:   

I'm going to close with a picture and video I took the other night during the Jatra (procession).  I haven't figured out how to take good night pictures yet, (sorry--don't like reading manuals!) but you can have an idea of what the dancers and the band in the picture looked like and hear what they sounded like in the video, although you can't see anything! Enjoy and have a nice day!  More later!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, my name is Calandra and I'm a pathfinder in Florida. My friends and I are studying missionaries. Christian & I are studying about your trip. We like how you are observing cultural events. So do you also teach at a school?
