Saturday, January 8, 2011

Harvesting and Replanting

In the September Archives there is a post called, "Rice!" which tells about the rice fields and how they grew before our very eyes in just a short time when we first arrived.  This post is going to be about the harvesting of those fields and their replanting.  Something is always happening in the fields--and seemingly in the blink of an eye! 

The rice grew pretty high pretty quickly.

One day soon after this they started harvesting.
What hard workers!
It's a big job, all day long, every day for weeks, with lots of bending and lifting.  They just kept going--like Energizer batteries.

At least the weather was nice!
Let's zoom in on that scene.
Fill up the bags.
Move 'em out!

How nice to see this couple working so happily together!

When they're done, they start thinking about the next crop!

However, sometimes you just have to take a little rest!  (This is one of Ramon's shots with this telephoto lens.)

The fields always look amazing to me.

Now it's time to put in the new crops, which vary from field to field.  This picture is the same field as in the above picture, but taken about two weeks later.

Here are some various fields with new crops going in.
(Can you see the mustard?!)

He's lucky because he has a plow.  These girls don't.
Neither does he.
He worked hard all day.  We could see him from the school's windows.

When these fields start to grow, I'll put up more pictures.

I'm not sure why, but almost all this rice you see in the grocery store is from Thailand.

Well, enjoy your rice, wherever it's from, and think of the beautiful people here who work so hard!  Have a nice day! 

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