Hello from America! We've had an awesome time visiting with my family! Thanks for the lovely time and know we're already looking forward to next year's visit!
Besides visiting, we also went to Hershey, Pennsylvania, where Ramon had an anesthesia conference.
Hershey is a city with two nicknames: "Chocolatetown, USA" and "The Sweetest Place on Earth." It's a lovely place and we enjoyed ourselves.
Our first night there we ate dinner in a nice restaurant near the Hershey Chocolate Factory.
When I ordered some keenly anticipated hot chocolate,
the waitress told me, "I'm sorry. You can't have any hot chocolate. Our machine is broken."
No hot chocolate for me in "Chocolatetown, USA" that's what!
This is kind of funny, because something similar happened to my father once! When my parents were in college during the "olden days" :), and there was no turnpike, they drove through Pennsylvania, right through Hershey, while traveling from home in Ohio to school in Maryland. Once they stopped at a little cafe right across the street from the Hershey chocolate factory.
Dad ordered a chocolate sundae.
The waitress told him to please pick strawberry or caramel instead BECAUSE THEY WERE OUT OF CHOCOLATE!
Dad told her, "Are you telling me that I'm sitting here looking at the Hershey Chocolate Factory and I can't have any chocolate?"
"Yes," she said, "I'm telling you that."
Like father, like daughter! Anyway, I think it's funny that both my dad and I had trouble getting chocolate in Hershey, PA!
Well, Hershey made up for it later when we ordered (and received!) this:
which was rather good I must say!
Speaking of hot chocolate reminds me of the rather delicious hot chocolate I had in Argentina.
Yes, it came like this and you added as much of the chocolate bar to your hot milk as you liked!
But the very, very best hot chocolate I've EVER had was in Paraguay! (Long time readers of this blog may remember me telling about this last year.) This adorable cafe, Sugar,
in the Mariscal Lopez Mall in Asuncion
makes their hot chocolate with ice cream! Amazingly wonderful! Can't wait to have some when we are there next week!
When we get back home to Nepal, I'm looking forward to having hot chocolate again here at the Hyatt Regency Kathmandu, where I spilled mine all over the table just like I used to do when I was a child! If you ever get a chance to go there, try it, you'll like it! (The hot chocolate--not the spilling!)
There's also good hot chocolate here at the Annapurna Hotel
and at the Yak & Yeti Hotel too.
Well, I guess that's enough about hot chocolate! Now we're just enjoying out last week in America and thankful to the Lord that the earthquake and hurricane that shook us up and got us wet this past week on the East Coast are history and that we are all fine. We're praying for those who may still be having troubles. Have a good week!